Home > Media News > Saudi Arabia hit by heavy rains; Videos of widespread flooding go viral

Saudi Arabia hit by heavy rains; Videos of widespread flooding go viral
2 May, 2024 / 05:52 am / OMNES Media LLC

Source: http://www.mashable.com


Mashable: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was lashed by heavy rains over the past 24 hours, causing flooding and damage to certain regions.

According to the Gulf News, the Middle Eastern nation experienced severe rainfall after authorities warned of heavy rain and possible flooding this week. Yesterday’s rain led to the formation of powerful torrents that overflowed the streets of the kingdom.

Al Eis Governorate in the Medina region reportedly experienced particularly severe rain which overflowed reefs and valleys. Amidst the weather, visitors at Prophet’s Mosque were seen offering prayers.

Now, several images and videos of the heavy downpours are coming out of Saudi Arabia. Take a look:

كميات السيول  في شارع السلام بالمدينة المنورة.

pic.twitter.com/UTNusPzsni — هاشتاق السعودية (@HashKSA) April 29, 2024

فيديو | مشاهد لجريان السيول في أودية محافظة العيص

بعدسة ماهر الجهني#الإخبارية pic.twitter.com/fUQlEJAcF5 — قناة الإخبارية (@alekhbariyatv) April 29, 2024

غرق عدد من السيارات في سيول #المدينة_المنورة بعد هطول أمطار غزيرة #مصدر_للأخبار pic.twitter.com/77QRnzgqQX — مصدر (@MSDAR_NEWS) April 29, 2024

Heavy rains and thunderstorms brought intense flooding, which resulted in submerged vehicles on streets and even damaged the infrastructure. Emergency services, however, tried to help with their immediate response.

The Saudi Directorate of Civil Defence in the Medina region has reportedly issued warnings. The authority has urged the public to exercise caution. Residents are advised to avoid valleys and water streams.

 ALERT: Severe weather warning in #SaudiArabia!  11 regions are under RED alerts due to extreme #storms, #heavyrain, and #strongwinds.

It's a call to action, people!  The #climate crisis is escalating, taking lives. #ClimateEmergency #GlobalSolidarity #DisasterRelief pic.twitter.com/sUZr7IaLFy — Nata Samushia (@NataSamushia) April 29, 2024

The Saudi National Centre of Meteorology has also issued an alert level to red for Medina, as the forecast shows more heavy rains accompanied by thunderstorms and high-speed winds. The stormy weather is expected to continue until Friday affecting various regions across Saudi Arabia.

Meanwhile, schools in several areas of the kingdom were switched to online classes on Monday after the heavy rain warning by authorities.

The Ministry of Education, according to The National News said in-person classes would be suspended with lessons to be held through the Madrasati remote-learning platform at all schools in Medina, Jeddah, Rabigh, and Khulais.