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LinkedIn Introduces Native ‘Video’
23 Aug, 2017 / 01:03 pm / OMNES News

Source: http://arabianmarketer.ae


After revamping how News Feeds and other icons are displayed on the LinkedIn homepage, the professional network has now introduced videos feature on its mobile app.

Mostly users do not use LinkedIn daily as much as they do Facebook or Twitter, considering the latter two are more of social networking sites. Trying to catch up with this and attempting to bring the user back to its platform more often, LinkedIn is now offering native videos on its mobile app.

LinkedIn members will now be able to record, upload, and post native videos directly from the LinkedIn mobile app. The latest feature enables members to share their professional knowledge and insights, and to start conversations through the power of video.

With the addition of native video in the feed, LinkedIn is creating an easier way for members to record and post immersive, rich videos, adding even more original video content in the Feed. The ability to create videos in the feed gives members another medium to share perspective and start conversations with others. In turn, this has the potential to create new opportunities — for example, getting the attention of a recruiter by sharing smart insights about current industry news or connecting with someone that can give potential job seekers advice.

While LinkedIn is in the process of rolling out this new feature globally, users can record a video or upload an existing video by going to the share box and tapping the video icon directly from the iOS and Android app.